Cold Weather Can Damage, Zap Your Smart Phone!

The biting cold and snow has now migrated to a good part of The United States. Temperatures that are below zero have been common over the past fewsmart-phone-cold weeks especially in areas like Chicago and Boston. The cold weather can take a toll on both your body and your electronics. The most common devices you might be carrying around in the extreme cold include Smart Phones and cameras.


Almost all of us own a Smart Phone and we carry these devices wherever we go. Normally, the outside ambient temperature is well within the limits that the electronic device can handle. You might wonder what can actually happen to electronics exposed to extreme cold? Well one of the biggest culprits is condensation. When you are outdoors using your phone or camera in extreme cold and then you enter a warm building, the temperature difference can cause condensation to form in the camera or phone. This type of condensation can create havoc with your electronic devices. As you know, moisture and electronics simply do not mix.


Most phone manufacturers have tested operating temperatures for their phones. In the case of Apple, the I Phone is designed to operate in temperatures from 32 degrees to 95 degrees. Damage that is done to a phone from temperature extremes is usually not covered under the warranty.


According to test reports, most smart phones will begin to show symptoms of stress at about 22 degrees. You might notice a slowdown or the phone might simply shut down. In addition, battery life is severely compromised when the temperature drops.


Temperatures in the 15-degree range or lower will surely disable almost all brands of phones. Temperatures this low can cause a phone to shut down unexpectedly.

The best way to avoid issues with your phone is to keep your phone as warm as possible. Try keeping your phone in a warm pocket and do not be tempted to use it until you are in a warmer location. Since the cold will affect your battery life, be sure your phone has a full charge when you leave the house. A dead cell phone will not do anybody any good in an emergency. Be sure you own a car charger if you live in an area that is prone to big snowstorms and extreme cold.


In addition to limiting your use of the phone, consider purchasing a good case. A good case will help keep the phone warm and dry. Get the best case you can afford.


Do not leave your phone in your car if you are going shopping. This rule applies to both winter and summer. If you find your phone has shut down from the cold, leave it off. Do not turn it back on immediately. Allow the temperature of the phone to equalize with the surrounding temperature before turning it on. This can help avoid damage from condensation.


The same rules apply to pretty much any device that is using an LCD screen. If you use a laptop computer at home and you have a power failure during a blizzard or nor’easter, try to limit your use of the device if the temperature in the room gets extremely cold. The heat from the electronics in the cold room can also form damaging condensation that could damage the device.


By , Tech Joe


Tagged with: Electronics Cold Snow
Posted in Hardware

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