Cyber-security bill blocked

Obama, the President of the United States of America wanted to pass the cyber-security bill to take care of the national security and wanted to prioritize it but that idea has been put on hold. The Republican sector in the Senate blocked the bill and put a hold on Obama’s ideas. According to the Senate’s decision 52 to 46 cut off the debate and the 60 votes that were needed to secure the bill ran into a bipartisan support which then ran into a fight over the given amendments and the legislations that could be proposed.

The bill was most seriously opposed by Obama’s republican opponent, John McCain, belonging from Arizona. According to McCain, the bill would cause a lot of problems and burden innumerable corporations around America. On the other hand, many Silicon Valley experts shared their different views on the bill and said that the bill could help in warning in a massive attack on the internet, a 9/11 of the cyber-world could be averted but then that would take a lot of time and resources.

The bill was supposed to portray new, different and optional standards for the security of the computer systems that oversaw the American cyber infrastructure such as the power grids, dams and transportation. Recently the American government received a threat from external resources that would have caused a massive power outage in the United States and in case the Bill would be passed these new notions wouldn’t be real.

The American cyber environment has been facing innumerable cyber attacks and they have had a crippling affect on the American internet environment. Security breaches on Linkedln, Twitter and other corporations have showed how difficult it is to keep external prowlers away and also shows the level of adamant talent that is withheld in these hackers considering they’re breaking into high security network vaults.

The Republican’s refusal of the Bill is a sad situation; according to the White House press secretary,” The politics of obstructionism, driven by special interest groups seeking to avoid accountability, prevented Congress from passing legislation to better protect our nation from potentially catastrophic cyber attacks”. His statement showed that many Senate members opposed this bill because their corporations and those in which they are stakeholders would suffer as they would have to design new security measures and also control their extra manipulation activities over the internet. Competition is tough and companies have to pick out their fellow activists strategies and many companies are using these methods of penetrating into the cyber activities of other competitors to remain happy in the industry.

According to many politicians in the United States of America, the bill has been an idea since a long time, even before the recession started but it couldn’t be included as lawmakers were busy in their election politics last year. The seriousness of the bill can be seen in the fact that five Republicans voted against their party in the favor of the bill, saying that the bill is an important amendment and needs to be passed to make sure America isn’t threatened on the internet.

The Director of the National Security Agency, General Keith Alexander said that cyber attacks had increased over 17% since 2009 and their rate is increasing in 2012. With hackers identifying new technologies and methods of breaking into information and the world interested in what goes in the United States of America, the bill needed to be issued or as Obama stated, the American government could face a lot of external attacks in terms of power, travel and dams, causing America to bear immeasurable losses.

Author Bio:Beth’s major effort has revolved around latest gadgets. Recently she’s been playing with the many android spy software that are diverting the interest of the new generation. Readers can find out more about what’s most recent and happening in the best spyware for android world.

Tagged with: Cyber-security, Obama
Posted in Security

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