Repairing Your Computer – Should I Use A Shop Or Remote?

Hi everybody, today we are going to talk about repairing your computer. To be specific, I will discuss why you should have your computer repaired as soon as the trouble starts and why remote fixes are usually better then shop fixes.

One scenario that we see far too often is when customers wait days or sometimes weeks after the first symptoms of a sick computer appear. Often times, the longer you wait the more damage that is being done to the computer. Every day that passes when you have a virus allows more programs and Trojans to be downloaded into your computer. If you wait too long, often times the repairs are much more difficult and you may experience a higher likelihood of “quirks” that may occur from the virus damage.

When it comes time for you to do the repair you can either take your computer too a local shop or you can have it done online. In almost every case, taking your computer to a shop will cost more and will take much longer. Sometimes it takes several days to a week to get your computer back. In addition, you usually have to pay a bench fee even if you don’t have the system repaired there. If the job is too difficult, the repair company will likely offer you a total reformat rather then spend the hours needed to repair it.

If you decide to use the remote method, there are many advantages. Firstly, the cost will be less then a physical shop. Remote companies do not have the overhead that a remote company has and thus they can charge a lower price. In addition, your system will be returned to you the same day within hours instead of several days. When a remote company does a repair, a reformat is the absolute last resort. I know when I work on a system I will try all other options before we recommend a reformat. We know how hard it is to get a system back up and running after a factory reinstall. Really the only time a shop is better then remote is if you have an actual hardware issue. At that point you have no choice but to tear down your system and lug it to your local repair shop.

Security is another issue when getting your computer repaired. When you drop off your computer at a shop, you are leaving your system out of your sight for a long period of time. With a remote repair, you have full control and you can see everything that is going on.

With remote companies, there are hundreds out there and many are not United States based. For the most personable service, choose a US based company that is not affiliated with a large corporation. Many companies like ours have over 15 years experience working with computers and you get to talk to a live person, not an automated system. In today’s business world, that is extremely rare.



Tagged with: remote fixes, remote repair, repairing computer
Posted in Maintaing Your Computer, Should I use a Shop Or Remote?

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