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Facebook: Is it here to stay?

Social networks have become extremely popular for personal as well as business use. Facebook has topped the charts with more users than Tom at Myspace ever dreamed of having. So, since Facebook seems to be the place to be, should we believe that it is the place to stay?

Looking back at other social networks such as Myspace, you have to wonder if they are trends and short lived addictions that pass after time or with the coming of a newer, cooler place to be.

Tagged with: facebook, Networks, social media
Posted in Facebook

A Closer Look at the 3 Largest Malware Networks

For every malware network that is eliminated, several more are discovered.  While knowing the details of every malware network is not helpful for the average Internet user, understanding how the largest networks operate can provide a great deal of insight.  It can also help determine the best Internet security practices by identifying how devices are compromised.  It also demonstrates how cyber criminals bypass Internet security strategies.  The number of malicious sites increased by 240% in 2011 which means users should be more cognizant of Internet security risks than ever.  The primary reasons that the number of sites continues to rise are that cyber criminals rotate domain names and malicious software kits are easier to buy and customize than ever before.

Tagged with: malware, Networks
Posted in Virus and Malware

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