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So You Sent That Important E-Mail And It Never Arrived? Oh No!

In today’s world, almost everybody communicates to at least some degree by e-mail. E-mail has become almost as important as the postal service in terms of a means of email-will-not-workcommunication. Both individuals and companies alike both depend on this service. The unfortunate part is that like any means of communication, you are going to get those that want to abuse it for monetary gain. We call these folks spammers.

Tagged with: email
Posted in E Mail

Spam: The Biggest Enemy Of Email

It is an irritating experience to find spam emails in our inbox on a regular basis. ‘You may already have won’ type emails are replacing the old-fashioned newsletters that were once posted through the letterbox. Spammers are quite clever and are finding new and innovative ways to get their spam email through the filters that would otherwise block it and are also smart enough to lead with a subject line that isn’t obviously spam and maybe even arouses your curiosity enough to open it.

Tagged with: email, spam
Posted in Spam

The History of Spam and Common Email Spam Principles

The history of spam is actually quite interesting.  In the late 1800’s sales people would ‘spam’ telegraph lines and
send messages to wealthy land owners about investing opportunities.  In the late 1970’s the military’s web (which preceded today’s internet) was used to send out an offer to 400 people with a poor response.

Tagged with: email, junk, spam
Posted in Spam

4 Simple Ways to Protect the Security of Your Email Account

Email accounts are often considered easy targets for hackers. Once your email password gets in the wrong hands, your privacy and online reputation can suffer tremendously as a result. If you want to protect the security of your email account, consider taking these four steps:

1. Change your password

Tagged with: accounts, email, hackers, Security
Posted in E Mail

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