Why Internet Explorer Browser Updates Are Necessary

Updates are created for software for many reasons. One of these reasons is for compatibility, one is for functionality, and one is for appearance, to name a few. Internet browsers require updates fairly regularly because of how risky the internet can be, but also because of how often it changes. Web developers make changes to their websites regularly. If browsers do not keep up, users won’t be able to access these sites, which is what makes the browser useless.


Most of the time, website updates will allow for the two most recent browser versions such as Internet Explorer 8 and 9. Sometimes, however, websites restrict certain aspects of the site to only the most current version of that browser. When this happens, the only way to fix the problem is to download the updated version of your browser.


The previous explanation covers the surface reasons for updating your browser. The following are an in-depth look at several other reasons why internet browsers require regular updates.


  • Viruses: Most people have anti-virus software on their computers, but even that software  can sometimes be circumvented. The newer the browser, the better defenses it has against viruses. It acts like the first line of defense for your PC, helping your anti-virus software to keep your computer safe. The more advanced the browser, the less likely your computer is to be exposed to viruses, and the better chance your anti-virus has of defending against those it is exposed to.


  • Website compatibility: As has already been mentioned, certain websites will update their features, and you will only be able to access these features if you have the correct version of the web browser. This generally applies for features such as graphics and videos, but can also apply to the whole website, depending on how the site is built.


  • Appearance: Sometimes, when a browser is updated, all it does is change the way it looks. When this happens, it is usually for two reasons: in order to make it easier to use and to get rid of clutter. In this case, running an older version of the browser won’t matter because it still has all the functionality of the new one, except that it looks different.


Overall, updating your browser is a quick and easy way to make sure that you are getting everything you can out of it. While it might be a little bit of an inconvenience to be without your browser for a few minutes while it updates, in the end you’ll be glad you did.


Browser updates applies to all browsers, because they need to stay on top of changing technology. While most websites will allow you to continue to use your old version of Internet Explorer, it is better to make sure that you have the most recent updates so that you don’t end up being unable to load a site that is essential for the project you are working on.

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Tagged with: browser, Internet explorer, Updates
Posted in Web browsers

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