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Running A Remote Computer Business From Home Saves Overhead

With the high cost of retail space and all the loopholes you have to jump through to start a business, more and more folks are running their business right from their homes. This trend is growing steadily as the age of technology keeps improving and evolving. The trend has grown even faster since the Great Recession where so many people have lost their jobs and are trying to make a living.


Tagged with: business, computer, Home, Overhead, remote, Saves
Posted in Computer Repair

Computer Service , Should I buy That Monthly or Yearly Contract?

Remote computer repair has been changing almost as fast as the seasons over the past few years. When the technology first emerged several years ago, you Geeks Computerpaid by the hour. Your final cost would depend on how many hours the tech had to spend in your system in order to repair the problem. Soon after that, the flat rate pricing format began to take shape. With this platform, which is still in use today, you paid one flat fee for a repair regardless of how long the repair might take. This has been a very popular choice for many years and is still used by many.

Tagged with: computer, Contract, geeks, Monthly, Service, Yearly
Posted in Repairing Your Computer

Could You Live Without Your Computer or Smartphone?

It is hard to imagine but not so long ago, we did not have computers in our daily lives. When we needed to look up information we had to turn to the old encyclopedias. We were not able to just log on and type our subject into the search bar of a search engine and be handed thousands of options to obtain the information we needed, we had to look it up the old fashioned way, what if you had to do that now?

Tagged with: computer, computer loss, technology, without a computer
Posted in Computer Era Evolution

When Is It Time To Buy A New Computer?

We have all been guilty of keeping our computers a little longer than we should. It can be a tough decision to decide to buy a new computer, after all they are expensive. If you are unsure if it is time to buy a new computer or not, read below for some helpful tips on how to make that decision.

Tagged with: computer, new computer, purchase, repair
Posted in Computer Repair

Finding the Right Firewall for Your Personal Computer

The role of the PC firewall is to ensure that you do not have to deal with computer viruses. We all know that the viruses are much more difficult to deal with when they have already infiltrated the system. It is better to prevent them from getting there in the first place.  The industry has been developing over the past few years and the experts are finding new ways of increasing the security of users. Some of the packages are paid for at a minimal cost while others are completely free. The problem with free services is the possibility they may not deliver the full spectrum of services that you need in order to secure your gadget.

Tagged with: computer, firewall, personal
Posted in Computer Firewall

6 Ways to Modify Your Computer System

Whether you built your computer from scratch or bought one from the local store, there are many ways you can modify your tower for performance or aesthetics. If you’re not tech savvy, it’s no problem as many of these ways are simple to utilize. However, it’s best to let a professional install some devices if you don’t fully understand what you’re doing inside your computer system. Touching or unplugging the wrong thing could cause dramatic problems for your computer.

Tagged with: computer, Memory, Modify, Upgrades
Posted in Computer Repair

Please call a pro to fix your computer and not a back yard friend

In today’s world, one can still manage to survive without food for a day but certainly not without computers. It might sound superficial but in reality, it’s somewhat true. Especially with the advent of internet, human life has become faster paced. Nowadays no one can imagine running a business without computers and internet. However, the topic of our discussion today is not about the importance of computers but about the common issues and how to fix them.

Tagged with: computer, fix, pro
Posted in Repairing Your Computer

Computer Advancements on the Horizon

In the early 1990’s, only those people with plenty of extra money had a computer in their home. By the mid 90’s that demographic had changed and only the very poor did not have one. Now, twenty years later, not only do the majority of Americans have one computer in their home, they have several.


Tagged with: Advancements, computer
Posted in Geek Stuff

How to build your own computer. Buy a CPU,Hard drive and a Motherboard.

Building your own computer is something that’s becoming increasingly popular. Instead of buying expensive computers from retailers, many people are finding that custom building their own computer tailored to their needs is a cheaper and more convenient alternative. Not only is it custom built, but learning about how a computer is assembled makes it easier for you to upgrade hardware like RAM, the motherboard or graphics card in the future. So read, learn and try it out the next time you’re looking to buy a PC.

Tagged with: build, computer
Posted in Hardware

When to Hibernate or Sleep Your Computer.

“Lullaby, and good night, go to sleep my dear baby.” While most people probably do not sing that song to their computer as they put it to sleep, making your computer sleep is a common practice among computer owners. Most of the time, you can put a computer to sleep either by leaving the computer on for a certain period of time or by performing an action, such as shutting the lid or quickly pressing the power button.

Tagged with: computer, Hibernate, Sleep mode
Posted in Maintaing Your Computer

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