A Closer Look at the 3 Largest Malware Networks

For every malware network that is eliminated, several more are discovered.  While knowing the details of every malware network is not helpful for the average Internet user, understanding how the largest networks operate can provide a great deal of insight.  It can also help determine the best Internet security practices by identifying how devices are compromised.  It also demonstrates how cyber criminals bypass Internet security strategies.  The number of malicious sites increased by 240% in 2011 which means users should be more cognizant of Internet security risks than ever.  The primary reasons that the number of sites continues to rise are that cyber criminals rotate domain names and malicious software kits are easier to buy and customize than ever before.




Shnakule has been identified as the largest malware network across the globe.  At any given time, there are an average of 1269 websites hosting its malware.  The most sites discovered to be hosting this malware simultaneously was 3376.  In fact, Shnakule is so large that in 2011 it absorbed several smaller malware networks.  One of the most notable networks to be absorbed was the Ishabor network.


Shnakule features a variety of different Internet security risks including drive-by downloads, fake software update alerts, fake anti-virus scans and work at home scams.  It is considered to be the most geographically diverse malware network with servers located in the United States, Brazil, India, China, Russia, and across Europe. Shnakule has been credited with launching some of the most aggressive Internet security attacks as well as consistently developing new ones.




The Glomyn malware network is primarily involved with spam.  There are an average of 621 websites hosting this malware at all times, with the highest documented number being 4820.  4820 simultaneous hosts made Glomyn the largest malware network and Internet security risk at that time.  For the most part, this malware network is based in southern Europe.




The Cavka malware network focuses on scams and user redirection to get users to download the malware.  Unlike the other two networks, it is based solely in the United States.  This makes it noticeably smaller with only 190 hosts on average.  The maximum number of hosts was 660.


What Should Users Learn About Internet Security From Looking at the 3 Largest Malware Networks?


  • The large geographic distribution of servers (hosts) makes it difficult for any one country to shut down a malware network.  This ensures they will pose an Internet security risk for the foreseeable future.
  • There is a wide variety of Internet security risks related to malware networks.  Being shielded from one risk does not preclude falling victim to another.
  • The significant fluctuation in the number of simultaneous hosts shows cyber criminals rotate domain names quickly.  This makes it impossible to track and avoid them based solely on the websites they use.


As these networks continue to grow and new ones are discovered, it becomes more important for general users to be aware of the Internet security risks they are exposed to.



Darren Lobb writes articles about online security and the Android OS. He enjoys using VPNs with his Android phone so that he is able to access his favorite sites securely, even on public Wifi. His articles help explain issues concerning technology and security.

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Tagged with: malware, Networks
Posted in Virus and Malware

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