A Checklist Of Things You Need To Know Before 2014 Rolls Around.

I know it seems like yesterday but soon 2014 will be here and with it will come a whole new set of challenges you will face when it comes to your computer. This coming year will mark not only a change in the magnitude of Malware but also it will mark the end of support for one of the best operating systems Microsoft ever rolled out.

Each year that passes not only do computers get more complex but the Malware that infects also gets more complex. The year 2014 will be no exception. Expect to see more vigorous and damaging programs such as the CryptoLocker virus that has all of us on edge. This type of Malware is appropriately called ransom ware because it holds your computer hostage until you pay up the bounty.

This year, we have seen the infamous FBI virus, which tells you violated copywriter laws and unless you pay the prescribed price, your computer will be held hostage by us. This is a scary message to see on your computer when you least expect it. The virus often came from viewing media such as infected movies or pictures. Other times it came in through infected e-mail attachments or links. This virus usually has a happy ending as it usually could be removed.

The other type of ransom ware is, of course, the famous CryptoLocker. This virus enters almost always through an infected e-mail attachment and is probably one of the most avoidable.  If you practice safe e-mail habits, this one can be avoided at least for now. The ending with this virus is not usually so happy as it encrypts all your important files and unless you have an offsite backup, you cannot get your files back unless the ransom is paid.

There is a ray of temporary hope with this virus as experts have been able to shut down some of the servers that have been supplying this virus. This will allow a temporary lull in the Crypto Locker activity until a new set of servers are fired up. This scam is just way too profitable for the crooks to stand by the wayside after a server shutdown.

Another huge item in the news will be the ending of support for Windows XP in April of 2014. This is a scenario that we hoped would never come but the date has been written in stone. For those of you that love XP and will continue to use it in 2014, it will be imperative to get all the Microsoft updates up to April and be sure you have a good anti-virus solution for your computer. With careful web surfing and good protection, you should be able to use XP for a few more years. It is crazy to just take a perfectly good running computer and toss it just because Microsoft thinks you should.

The New Year will not only bring in lots of Malware but also lots of vulnerabilities will be discovered by the cyber crooks in many popular operating systems including Mac. Yes that’s right you are not totally safe with a Mac anymore. Malware writers are now more and more trying to infect this line of computers as well. In 2014, I expect we will begin to see a surge in Malware affected these folks. It is now just as necessary to carry an anti-virus program in your Mac as it is in a PC. The same will be happening for Android and the IOS as well. Nobody will be immune! If you are on the Internet, you need protection no matter what you use to access it with.

With all the changes coming in the New Year, now is a great time to get your computer professionally cleaned and tuned up so you can start 2014 in the best and most secure state possible. With some good common sense when browsing and viewing e-mails along with good protection, you can help put a dent into the very profitable Malware market. Have a safe and happy 2014!

Article by, Joe Z

Posted by, Ross Deprey



Posted in Geek Stuff
One comment on “A Checklist Of Things You Need To Know Before 2014 Rolls Around.
  1. Ross Deprey says:

    Joe im going to blow all my computers out.. a cooler computer is a happy computer lol

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