Make Your Voice Heard – 5 Ways To Respectfully Voice Your Opinions Online

In this contemporary era, the internet has become a primary medium through which individuals voice their opinions. While the ability to express one’s thoughts through the internet is wonderful, it is also important that individuals learn how to do so respectfully. If you want to ensure that you avoid offending others when sharing your thoughts, consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Use Forums That Permit Others To Respond
When you voice your opinions about an issue or subject, it is always a good idea to permit others to respond with a critique or their own assessments about the matter. When they don’t have this opportunity, people oftentimes feel as if they are being condescended or silenced. Since this is the case, try to voice your views on forums like message boards or blogs where other people can respond to your ideas. Places like OpenTell™ Cerified Customer Reviews are great places to go to.

2. Avoid The Caps lock
In the world of the internet, the use of the caps lock when typing is equivalent to shouting. Just as you wouldn’t want to disrespect others by shouting at them in the real world, you should avoid doing so when voicing your opinion online.

3. Don’t Use Negative Language
As many psychologists know, the use of negative words like “don’t” and “no” is oftentimes subconsciously interpreted as an individual attempting to exert power over another by putting limitations on what can and can’t be done. Additionally, it can contribute to a negative environment that irritates or offends others. In recognizing this reality, be sure to avoid negative language when you voice your opinion.

4. Eliminate Personal Attacks
No matter how legitimate or logical your argument is, personally attacking another person during the process of explaining it is disrespectful. Since this is the case, be sure that you stick to ideas and concepts when you voice your opinion.

5. Use The “Like” Button and Retweet The Ideas You Approve Of
One great way to respectfully voice your opinion online is to use Facebook’s “Like” button to express your approval of the ideas being promoted by others. This lets other people know that you’re paying attention to their ideas and are willing to publicly express your assent to the opinions they’re asserting. Using Twitter to retweet a tweet containing opinions that you agree with is another great way to respectfully voice your opinion online.

Although you may think that conveying your respect for others will be difficult when you do so via internet, it doesn’t have to be. By implementing some or all of the strategies listed above, you can easily voice your opinion online in a respectful, courteous manner. Good luck!


Tricia is a mom and a blogger from Beverly Hills. She recommends visiting in order to find OpenTell™ Cerified Customer Reviews




Tagged with: online, Opinions, Voice
Posted in Geek Stuff

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