Organized files on your computer will save you precious time by cutting down on searching

All About Computer Organization


Organize Your Computer Files


If your computer file organization is a mess, it could cost you a lot of time trying to find your files. In order to organize your files, you should be very sure to give meaningful names to them. This rule simply applies to folder names.  Each folders name should describe the contents of the folder. The next thing you want is to ensure that all the folders contain files that are related to one another in some way. For example, if a main folder is named reports, then that folder should contain only report documents. However, if you have a hundreds of files in a single folder, it can really take you a lot of time to find the folder that you are looking for. To solve this problem you can create subfolders within the main folder.

For instance, you can have a folder named pictures then you can create subfolders with the names birthday, graduation or wedding. Each of these sub folders should contain only those pictures that pertain to their name.

It is good to save all this information on an external drive so as to safeguard in just in case your computer develops some problem.



Posted in Geek Stuff

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