Remote Computer Repair | Virus Removal

Remote Virus Removal

Kids go to all sorts of websites, these days, and if you’re not careful, you can find your computer infected with a virus. Some they mean to go to, some visits are an accident, but it just takes once to infect your computer with a virus. And sometimes you can’t see the effects until it’s almost too late. Often, viruses cause little glitches that you think might have nothing to do with a virus – it’s just your computer adjusting to what you’re trying to do on it – and they might only last a few seconds.  Other times your computer just runs slower than normal for several minutes, or it takes longer than it should to load a program; this can also be a sign that your computer is infected.

            If you want to get your computer checked for viruses, don’t start mentally preparing yourself for the trip and the time that it will take. Using remote virus removal will be so much simpler and faster than taking your computer to a repair shop. Remote virus removal means that the virus on your computer will be removed without you ever having to untangle your computer from all its cords and drag it off, at an inconvenient time, to a repair shop. Using a simple form of software, the technician’s computer connects remotely to yours while it is still in your home. They can search for viruses – and they’ll do it for free! – while your computer stays comfortably on your desk.

            And their “no fix, no fee” policy is great. You don’t pay for anything unless they get rid of the virus and fix the problems on your computer. They check your computer for free, and you only start paying once they find a problem. And their hourly flat rate doesn’t come close to the high prices charged by repair shops.  

            So before your kids accidentally infect your computer with more viruses, consider having your computer check by experienced technicians who use remote virus removal. It’s extremely fast (it takes less than one day), much more inexpensive than a repair shop, and all you have to do is sit back, relax, and let the experts do their jobs.


Posted in Geek Stuff

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