Using Error Checking In Windows XP To Scan Your Hard Drive

If you have noticed that your computer is running slower than usual, there is no need to panic. Over time there are always issues that will arise with your computer system, registry issues, viruses, ad ware or spyware or just bogging down from regular use.

By using the error checking system that is built into Windows XP you can easily and quickly diagnose and repair a wide variety of errors that are found on your hard drive.

The error checking system will work to correct hard drive issues by scanning the hard drive for bad sectors and is a newer and more accurate version of the previous “scan disk” or “chkdsk” that was found on older versions of Windows operating systems.

How Long Does Error Checking Take?

The length of time that it will take for you to run the error checking system on your hard drive will depend on the size and the speed of your hard drive installed in your system. The process could take as little as ten minutes and as long as several hours to complete the entire scan.

Step By Step Guide On Using The Error Checking System On Windows XP

  • Open MY Computer by double-clicking the icon located on your desktop.
  • Right click the drive letter that you wish to run the error check on (usually C:) Your primary hard drive may have another letter. Click properties when the menu tab opens up.
  • Select the “Tools” tab by left clicking and then select the Check Now button.
  • The next window will bring up two options:
  • Automatically fix file system errors: This option will automatically correct many of the file system errors that are detected during the scan without promoting you for further assistance. This option is highly recommended.


  • Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors: This option will conduct a search on your hard drive for areas that are unusable or that have been damaged. If any damaged or unusable areas are found, those areas will be marked as “bad” and your computer will be prevented from using those areas. This option is extremely useful but could extend the scan from the shorter time of ten minutes to closer to several hours.


  • After you have selected the option you wish to use, click Start.
  • Allow the Error Checking System to run its course until it has completely finished.
  • You may be prompted to restart your PC, if so, follow the prompts and allow your PC to restart for any changes to take effect.

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Tagged with: error, hard drive, xp
Posted in Errors

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