Windows 8 Tutorial Using The Charms Bar, Touch Screen And Gestures

If you own a touch screen computer or you are using Windows 8 using a phone or tablet, navigating the operating system is somewhat different then if you are using a mousewindows8-Charms-Bar on a conventional computer. It is true that you can mimic many of the functions that you do with a mouse but there are a ton of tricks that save you time if you are using the app powered part of Windows 8.

Since Windows 8 was actually designed for the mobile user, you will find a ton of shortcuts that you can use in order to make life easier when you are working. This video shows how to use mouse gestures to do many common tasks like panning, zooming and using Internet Explorer. It also shows you how to switch from one application to another with just the swipe of your finger. Also included is a cool trick for closing an open app.

Using Windows 8 on a tablet is where this normally cursed operating system shines. There are tons of ways to move around and get your work done quickly. It was just not thought out very well when it came to being used on a conventional system.

Watch this video and bookmark it for later use in case you need to refer to it. Lots of great tips are presented here that will make your Windows 8 experience a lot easier to learn.

Posted By, Ross A Deprey from





Tagged with: Charms Bar, Gestures, screen, Touch, Tutorial, windows 8
Posted in Windows 8

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